Our Services

Property Sale
There are a wide range of reasons why people may want to sell a property and as with anything else in life, there is no one perfect solution to fit them all.
Using our industry knowledge and pre-existing working relationships with industry specialists, we believe we are very well placed to help you achieve a swift and stress-free sale. Our services range from agreeing a price and a conventional sale; to a full hands-free sale for you.
All conditions and circumstances will be considered. Calls and messages will of course be friendly and 100% confidential.
Fixed Return Investment
While not every person will have the time required to immerse themselves completely in the property market, we at Black Dog Property Development feel that this shouldn't exclude you from the abundance of opportunities on offer.
With an average savings account interest rate sitting far lower than the current rate of inflation, it is clear to us that the time is now to begin making your hard earned money work hard for you.
We are proud to offer fantastic returns on investment, with timescales of 12 and 18 months as standard, while other options are available on request. Investments will be written up by our legal representatives and explained fully alongside the project at hand.
Feel free to enquire today about our upcoming projects.
*Minimum investment £10,000.
Assisted Sale
One in every three property sales will fall through.
That is a crazy statistic, but unfortunately a factual statement about the buying and selling process due to a huge number of variants involved.
Getting your property to market and achieving the highest possible price should not be a stressful task for you in the midst of a milestone in life, nor should you be willing to accept less than what you deserve.
Here at Black Dog Property Development we pride ourselves on squeezing every ounce of potential in a property, and look forward to helping you to do the same.
Lets Talk Property
At Black Dog Property Development, we love discussing all things property.
Alongside the property market, personal circumstances are by no means on a linear pathway. Things change and not always at the times we are best prepared for them.
If you are unsure on your current position from a property perspective, have no idea what direction to head in or just need some clarity, we would love to nothing more than to assist.
Furthermore, if you have any ideas on projects and potential in your area, we want to hear from you.